Thursday, September 22, 2011


From a blog I receive ... I adapted it some to fit me. I sat in the sanctuary tonight trying to let God just wash his spirit over me.  The past few weeks I have been so dry ... this list just confirms what I have been experiencing. Tomorrow - I plan on spending the morning quietly at home. Letting God refill and refresh.  I pray that you get a chance to all God to fill you up as well. 


Warning Signs of a Dry Soul

Posted By: Youth Specialties on September 19 2011
Many of us have found ourselves in a time where we felt spiritually dry.  
Here are some warning signs that you might be slipping into one:
1. Spending more time talking about prayer than actually praying.
2. Private prayers begin to start sounding like “nice” public prayers (prayers that my 6 & 8yo would say before bed.)
3. Reading the Bible only when preparing a Bible study or lesson.
4. Living a life so fast and so cluttered there is no time for cultivating the inner life that people don’t see.
5. “Third-person reading”: reading not for what God can say to you, but for what answers the questions accurately.
6. Inner exhaustion that leads to outer crankiness and cynicism. [!]
7. A loss of wonder.
8. Increasing work with decreasing joy.

What have you found are the best ways to keep yourself from letting your soul go dry?

I juggle so much and lately, have dropped some of the balls. I am tired. And dry.  I don't know how to keep from getting to this point, but now that I am seeing where I am, I can be proactive on  not staying here. I will learn to rest and work from my rest. I will!



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