Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Friday, September 13, 2013
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Monday, January 30, 2012
I am still working on the design. And trying to be more intentional about writing. I also have a page on Facebook that I am linking my blog to when I post.
I need 3 more followers to get an 'official' name/address. (help!)
Thank ya'll for sticking with me through this journey ... it is not over by a long shot!
Labels: ramblings
Monday, January 09, 2012
Moving ...
Friday, January 06, 2012
Trust - Definition
Middle English, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse traust trust; akin to Old English trēowe faithful
Labels: Trust
One Word for 2012
There has been a challenge for several years to pray about one word to focus on for the year. This was started by Dan Britton with FCA. I learned about it from a Compassion blog written by Chris Giovagnoni. Below is a comment I left on the blog ... and the word for 2012 that has been laid on my heart. I tried not to commit to doing this. To avoid having a word to commit to for this year. To make the hard choices. But sometimes, the hard choices turn out to be the right ones and actually the easy choices.
No word for 2011. I toyed with the idea, but I was too deeply mired in anger, grief, depression and despair to even try. Everything was so dark. This year, the darkness is still lingering. The pain is still suffocating at times.
I have spent the past month serving others - working with a local ministry before Christmas and going on a mission trip the week after - distractions from the anger, grief, depression and despair. While in Belize, I was praying for God to continue holding me. Loving me. Showing himself to me clearly. And for a word to help keep me anchored this year. Something to cling to during these seemingly endless dark nights of the soul.
I met a woodcarver in Belize and asked him to make me a cross necklace with a word carved on it. I have been toying with two different words - similar yet different ... surrender and trust. Trust was the one carved onto my cross.
I think that is the one the holy spirit is calling me to.
Trust - that the pain will go away.
Trust - God does love me
Trust - I have been forgiven
Trust - the darkness won't last forever
Trust - God will catch me
In case you didn't figure it out already, my word for 2012 is TRUST.
Labels: Trust
Thursday, September 22, 2011
From a blog I receive ... I adapted it some to fit me. I sat in the sanctuary tonight trying to let God just wash his spirit over me. The past few weeks I have been so dry ... this list just confirms what I have been experiencing. Tomorrow - I plan on spending the morning quietly at home. Letting God refill and refresh. I pray that you get a chance to all God to fill you up as well.
Warning Signs of a Dry Soul
Posted By: Youth Specialties on September 19 2011Many of us have found ourselves in a time where we felt spiritually dry.
Here are some warning signs that you might be slipping into one:
2. Private prayers begin to start sounding like “nice” public prayers (prayers that my 6 & 8yo would say before bed.)
3. Reading the Bible only when preparing a Bible study or lesson.
4. Living a life so fast and so cluttered there is no time for cultivating the inner life that people don’t see.
5. “Third-person reading”: reading not for what God can say to you, but for what answers the questions accurately.
6. Inner exhaustion that leads to outer crankiness and cynicism. [!]
7. A loss of wonder.
8. Increasing work with decreasing joy.
I juggle so much and lately, have dropped some of the balls. I am tired. And dry. I don't know how to keep from getting to this point, but now that I am seeing where I am, I can be proactive on not staying here. I will learn to rest and work from my rest. I will!
Labels: ramblings
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Rumors of God
Rumors of God by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson is very similar to many books currently on the market such as Radical, anything by Frances Chan, etc. Both men work in large churches and talk about what is wrong with the church today. The authors use many personal stories, but the first person accounts got a bit much - especially when as a reader you are trying to keep track of who is telling the story at a particular spot.
Topics covered include abundant life, dreams, generosity, generosity, love, grace, freedom, commitment, community, justice and hope. There were times when the chapters seemed to be strings of quotes from other authors and websites. There wasn't anything in the book that I disagreed with. However, nothing was new in the book. If you haven't read many of the current books on churches of today and how we need to return to the basics of the bible then this would be a good book to read.
Labels: books
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Convo with Pastor - Ezekial 22:29-30 - The Best Gift
- do everything for the glory of God -- 1 Cor 10:31.
- do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him -- Col 3:17.
- do everything for the sake of the Good News -- 1 Cor 9:23
- do everything with love -- 1 Cor 16:14
- do everything without grumbling and arguing -- Phil 2:14
- do everything through Christ who strengthens me -- Phil 4:13
- follow God's example in everything you do -- Eph 5:1
- work at everything you do with all your heart. -- Col 3:23
- be faithful in everything [you] do -- 1 Tim 3:11
- and always do for other people everything you want them to do for you. -- Mt 7:12
The biggest impediment to my going forward is simply fear. Sadly, I all too often let fear control my actions (or lack of actions.)
Labels: Know God, Pastor's devos
Friday, July 08, 2011
Convo with Pastor - Luke 1:18 - Discovering Our Gifts
I have taken Spiritual Gift tests numerous times ... even recently. I have talked the results over a little bit with a couple of folks (including Pastor). I have done things that are directly related to the gifts, but it seems like others aren't accepting of my gifts.
But the one thing I haven't done much of is pray. That is a true weakness of mine. Something I know I need to work on.
Labels: Know God, Pastor's devos
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Convo with Pastor - Psalm 1:3 - UNDERSTANDING GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT
Labels: Know God, Pastor's devos
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Convo with Pastor - 1 Corinthians 12:1,4,7
That is a very interesting concept. What is a gift that comes more naturally in the church than in the world? It is actually something that I have been fighting against. Telling God and others that I DON"T do that! What is it? Public speaking. However, I have willingly spoken in front of crowds at church. More than once. In fact, I am attending a conference in a couple of weeks to learn how to develop my skills as a public speaker.
Is this a gift I would have developed for something worldly? No.
But it is a gift that I know God has given me and that I need to hone to share his love, grace and mercy.
Labels: Know God, Pastor's devos
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Convo with Pastor - Titus 3:4-5 - KINDNESS
- the greatest measure of kindness is from God, through Jesus Christ.
- He linked kindness to "lov[e]" and "mercy."
- He showed how the actions of Jesus Christ are the fullest expression of kindness.
- Which implies that Jesus' actions are the model for us expressing kindness.
- Finally, he also said that God's loving kindness leads where? To salvation!
The bible is the best selling book every year ... yet the least read.
Kindness ... if we truly think about it and apply it, we would all lead drastically different lives. There is a cliche' - 'kill 'em with kindness" - be nice to everyone - especially those it is difficult to be nice to. Hold doors, smile, make eye contact, pay for someone's order in a drive through. Kindness doesn't have to be with people you know, It can be anonymous. And random.
Labels: Know God, Pastor's devos
Monday, July 04, 2011
Convo with Pastor - Romans 7:15,19,24,25 - Self-Control
Self-control is the hardest fruit of the spirit for me. So often I feel completely and utterly out of control. I will do, say or react to something and only afterwards stop and realize that I really didn't want to do that!
I guess one of the first steps to self control is fully giving control to God.
Labels: Know God, Pastor's devos