Thursday, January 28, 2010

Genesis 40:1-41:57

continuing Joseph's story.  He is in prison, but in charge somehow.  The guard recognizes that he has special protections and blessings.

Wel, the king's cupbearer and baker were sent to prison and put under Joseph's care.  These two could easily poison the king they were that close to him.  Joseph, being a rare type of man, noticed that the men were upset. He inquired about it and offered to listen to their dreams. (Isn't that all we want sometimes? someone to listen...)  Joe interpeted teh dreams accurately and even asked the cupbearer 40:14 But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. However, the cupbearer 40:23 did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.  The cupbearer got what he wanted.  And Joseph had to wait TWO more years for anything to happen!!!

How often do we worry and fret about something, get what we really want and then forget about God and his blessings?

Pharaoh had some interesting dreams. Fat cows, skinny cows, fat grain, skinny grain. The skinny ate the fat.  And none of his esteemed, well cared for advisors could help.  Then the cupbearer remembers Joseph.  Better late than never, eh?

I like Joseph's response: I can't do it, but God will give the answer he desires.  Hmmm...God desires or Pharaoh desires???  Joseph even gave Pharaoh the plan to survive the next few years.  And talked himself into a job...he finally got out of prison...and everyone had to come to him for grain during the famine.  What an amazing change of lifestyle!!



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