Saturday, January 09, 2010

Job 15:1-18:22

Now Eliphaz counters Job - again.  Asking him basically - again - who does he thinks he is? he wasn't the first man born. he isn't the wisest. God is mighty. powerful. Job is only human and not that bad. The evil ones are the ones who will really suffer.  Is Job listening yet? Who hasn't gone through periods where we are mad at God, raging at him.  Not listening to anything anyone told us?

Job's turn again...16:1 "I have heard many things like these, miserable comforters are you all."  That almost made me laugh!  At least he recognizes his friends for who they are.  Despite his cynicism.

Bildad then reminds Job of what life is really like for evil men who do not know God.  But is Job listening? Does he care?



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