Thursday, June 09, 2011

Convo with Pastor - Ecclesiastes 7:15

I've seen it all

in my brief and pointless life --
here a good person cut down
in the middle of doing good,
there a bad person
living a long life of sheer evil.

Ecclesiastes 7:15
Ecclesiastes is a sad song. It's a sad lament at the end of a life which was based on worldly ways and human wisdom.
If we aim at earth, we're bound to ask "why do the good die young"? And why does it seem like the evil people go on and on and on? 
Wisdom says: If life was fair, then we ought to reap what we sow. But do you remember what you're mom said, "Sometimes life's not fair."
We didn't like to hear it then. We probably don't like to hear it now. But it's true. In a broken sinful world, unfairness continually strikes at us like a viper -- too often quick and unawares.
Fortunately God is not fair either.
What?! Wait?! That doesn't sound right, does it? But if God was fair, we'd all get what we deserve. And since we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, fairness would be guilt. Grace, however, is completely undeserved. The Biblical doctrine of salvation is completely unfair. We're saved, not because we earn it, but because God loves!
You are loved, forgiven, blessed, redeemed, chosen, and adopted. It's so unfair.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who prefers to aim at God's unfair grace
rather than the world's unfair brokenness
Sometimes, it is hard to see and truly understand God's grace and fairness when we are looking through so much brokenness.  True - we don't deserve grace. and true - life is unfair. But hopefully, one day, our questions will get answered and we'll find out 'why.'

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