Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Knowing God - Luke 6:38

(from Pastor)

If you give, you will receive.
Your gift will return to you in full measure,
pressed down, shaken together
to make room for more,
and running over.
Luke 6:38
God wants to give to you.
But there's a problem. We are often too full of ourselves that there's no room for Him, no room for better blessings.
Therefore, we must empty ourselves. And one of the ways we do this is by giving. And the amount that we give and empty ourselves is the amount that God can supply.
And then God gives more!
He fills us up. Then he presses the flour (the blessings) down. Then he shakes it, compacts it even tighter. Why? He's making room for more blessings. He pours, presses, shakes, and then pours some more. He desires to pour and pour and pour until we're running over.
But it starts with this: Emptying ourselves of ourselves. And we do that by giving generously and focusing on others (instead of ourselves).
In Christ's Love,
a guy who needs to be shaken
There is a fine line between focusing on self and focusing on others.  We need to not ignore ourselves.  We still need to take time for 'personal care' - time alone with  God. Time to recharge. By taking care of ourselves, we will be better able to care for others.  As far as emptying ourselves of ourselves - I have no idea. I am still learning.

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