Sunday, June 06, 2010

Know God - John 6:12b

(from Pastor)

"Gather up the fragments left over ..."
John 6:12b
Many farmers put out a cistern -- a big tank, tub, or reservoir. Many hope to catch enough of the rain so that they may gradually water their plants.
But when rain comes, it doesn't just water the spot where the cistern sits. It covers the land.
God's grace is that way. We catch a little water in our cup, but so much more is falling all around us -- and sometimes we're oblivious to God's generosity.
In the feeding of the 5000, God rained down bread. A multitude ate. And the truth was that there was a multitude of bread "left over." There was grace to spare.
This passage invites us to look beyond ourselves. In fact, the more take our eyes off of just ourselves, the more we will see God and grace and glory all around us.
In Christ's Love,
a guy wants to see more rain
Contrasting Pastor's sayings ... sometimes it seems as if our life is just fragments and God sends people to help us gather the fragments - the shards, bits and pieces, broken edges of our lives.  They don't get put together, but they are in one place ... in one basket ... for God to handle as he sees fit.  We don't know what happened to the fragments that were gathered after the feeding of the 5000 - just that there were many more leftovers than they started with.  God can take our broken pieces and make us much more than we ever imagined as well. 

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