Saturday, June 05, 2010

Knowing God - John 6:12

(from Pastor)

When they were satisfied ...
John 6:12
Some people -- especially young children -- look at communion as a snack. Why a snack? Because it's not nearly enough to satisfy our full hunger.
There are seasons for snacks -- a taste of grace that gets to the next feast.
There are also seasons for full and utter satisfaction. The feeding of the 5000 was one of those occasions. Jesus let them eat until they were full ... and then he showed them how bountiful God's power was by revealing how much was leftover.
We're Americans. We're good at full bellys and expanding waistlines. But don't be surprised when God's grace comes as a simple snack. The feast is heaven. Right now we generally get a foretaste -- just enough of a glimpse to help us make it through.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who needs to eat more snacks
(tell my wife that please)
My son who is 6 called communion a snack - on chocolate Sunday this week, he wondered why we didn't have chocolate bread and chocolate milk.  Good question.

God's grace - it is so hard for me to imagine or even accept.  There are days when I'd like even a morsel.  There are days when I know I am unworthy to accept even that morsel ... but that is the point of his grace. We are unworthy, yet he gives it to us anyway. 

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