Friday, December 17, 2010

Power of an Envelope

Our church announced a ministry opportunity last week.  They had set aside a certain amount of money and placed it in envelopes. The envelopes contained various amounts and were sealed.  Our instructions were to take one and give it away to someone before Christmas.  

My husband reluctantly picked up an envelope last Sunday for our family and I stuck it in my bag.  Then forgot about it. My brain has been mush lately when it comes to remembering stuff that I need to remember.  On Thursday nights I go to a bible study in another part of town.  I have been in this study with 4 other women since June and we have grown pretty close to each other during this time, but have no interaction otherwise.  

While driving there on Thursday a thought 'popped' into my head, "Give the envelope to X."  I just shook my head a little and (as I often do when these quiet thoughts pop into my head) ignored it.  Again. "Give the envelope to X."  Then I said out loud "What envelope?"  I could not figure out where the thought was coming from and what it was talking about. "Give the Spirit of Joy envelope in your bag to X." Oh yea. that envelope. I had completely forgotten it was in my bag and chances are it could have sat there until February when I cleaned the silly thing out...then I would have just given it to someone.  

After study I handed X the envelope and told her I had no idea what was in it, but that I knew she was to get the envelope.  She has been having a rough year like so many. Tears popped into her eyes and she gave me a hug. I reciprocated with both arms (I'm typically a one arm hugger - especially lately.)  I haven't talked to X since I gave her the envelope, but several other things happened ... 

1. I obeyed that quiet thought. And there were a few moments of peace that the other gals noticed initially on my face but it faded as the night continued.  (And the arguments got louder in my mind again.)

2. My husband pointed out to me that I wasn't such a humbug as I thought if I could LISTEN to GOD AND follow through. (HA! I still say, "Bah Humbug!!!)

3. For a few brief seconds I felt blessed to give. Worthy of sharing this gift. Chosen for this task in this moment. Successful for listening and following through.  and loved ... before actually giving her the envelope.  Then my current reality returned. 

Maybe a few cracks in the wall? For simply giving away a sealed envelope.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read PE's devo along with your comments from the last post on endurance. I really like the definition (and I'm gonna botch it a little 'cause I can't look at it while typing this but here goes anyway...) as being long standing obedience. So, if endurance produces hope, then we could also say that consistent obedience produces hope.

The Bible is consistent in that the one way to bring about blessing is obedience.

I think what you experienced tonight was a glimpse of the blessing of obedience.

Dec 17, 2010, 11:51:00 PM  

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