Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Knowing God - John 10:41

(from pastor)
"John didn't do miracles ...
but all his predictions about this man
have come true."
John 10:41
"John" in this case is John the Baptist. "This man" that John was making predictions about was Jesus. John, this is saying, was a prophet -- not a miracle worker.
With that in mind, have you ever wished for a gift that someone else has? "If only I was a miracle worker instead of a prophet ... a guitar player instead of an artist ... a teacher instead of a handyman ... a leader instead of a follower."
Be reminded today that God needs, uses, and creates all the gifts to build his kingdom. What good gift has God given you ... and how are you using it?
In Christ's Love,
a guy who wants to unwrap all his gifts
Gifts. I have thought about gifts lately. Specifically, Spiritual Gifts.  [although I like 'real' gifts as well - it is my Love Language ... in case you didn't know...]  I took several Spiritual Gift surveys online and talked about the results here. Yesterday, I went and talked tot eh volunteer coordinator at church to find out where I can help. Where I'd fit in.  She went through the list of all the typical needs. Then said, "There is one that is not on here.  We need someone to take care of the library."  Library??? We have a library??? How did I not know that?  Me. A lover of books. One who usually gravitates to the library in a building. I did not know we had one.  And it isn't in Pastor's office!  So - I agreed to take on that challenge.  But I know I have other gifts.  Some I am afraid to use for a variety of reasons.  Some I do not know how to use.  But God is good and loving.  He will open these gifts all in their time.

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