Friday, April 30, 2010

Knowing God - Malachi 3:3


[The Lord] shall sit as a refiner
and purifier of silver"
Malachi 3:3
The most important word in this phrase -- to me, today -- is "sit."
I don't know much about refining silver and gold, but I've come to believe that it's a slow process. You heat the metal. It turns to liquid. Eventually the dross rises to the top. You scoop it out. Then you wait. Eventually more appear. Then you scoop ... and wait ... again and again.
Sit means patient.
God cares enough about you to stick with you. Hour after hour. Day after day. Year after year. Until you're pure enough to be valuable. And you are valuable. He loves you.
In Christ's Love,
a guy with silvery hair who's impurities
have probably caused God to have a few silver hairs
(Thank you, God, for being patient as I seek to become pure)

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Thursday, April 29, 2010


Growing up, I was always taught that we needed to "Simply forgive and everything would be alright."  I am learning that it isn't that easy.  Forgiveness isn't a snap of the fingers as is often taught in churches.  It is a process ... a constant process ... a discipline ...  an act of obedience. And it's not forgive and forget - it's forgive and learn.  Forgive and try not to repeat.  Forgive and not resent.  Others and self.   

I recently read in a book that not forgiving is like having a clinched fist - when your fist is clinched, you are unable to give forgiveness nor are you able to receive forgiveness.  Forgiveness allows you to let go of resentment.  Allows you to turn retribution over to God.  

I am still processing all of this - still have a very long way to go - still trying to figure out how to forgive myself. It sounds so incredibly simple, but it is so amazingly far from easy!!! 

... a gal who wants to cancel her membership in the Order of the Clinched Fist .......


Knowing God - 1 Chronicles 28:9

(from Pastor)

...know the God of your father,
and serve him with single mind and willing heart;
for the Lord searches every mind,
and understands every plan and thought.
If you seek him, he will be found by you;
but if you forsake him, he will abandon you forever.
1 Chronicles 28:9
Three things:
1. "Seek" God.
2. "Know" God.
3. "Serve" God.
This advice -- King David's to his son, Solomon -- could be the three most important things in life. And he expounds on it in helpful ways ...
1. Seek God ... because "he will be [and wants to be] found by you."
2. Know God ... because if the creator of the universe cares enough to "understand[] every plan and thought [of yours], why wouldn't you want to know every thought and plan of his?!
3. Serve God ... and not half-heartedly. Serve him "willing[ly]," from the "heart," and with a "single[ness]" of purpose.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who needs to be like King David
and give this advice to his sons
Where does believe fit in this?  How do you bridge the head to heart gap? Or is this where 'fake it 'til ya make it' applies?

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Knowing God - John 16:24

(from Pastor)

Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full
John 16:24
What is Jesus' hope for our life. Twice in the night in which he was betrayed ... twice in his final words and purposes for us ... twice, our gracious Lord Jesus offered a way for our "joy [to] be full."  
The mention of full joy occurs in the context of the parable of the vineyard -- John 15. Jesus says essentially, I am the vine and you are the branches. And then he invites us to abide in him and bear much fruit (v. 5). And then he invites us to abide in his love by obeying his commandments (v. 10). And then he invites us to abide in him, bear fruit, obey his commandments, and discover the fullness of joy (v 11 as a summary of 1-10).
In chapter 16, Jesus adds just one more thing for a fuller, richer joy -- prayer!
When we "ask" God for things in prayer, what do is the best thing we "receive"? It's not joy; it's Jesus. When we talk to God in prayer, what we receive most of all is a relationship with our Lord and Savior ... and by the way ... that's what brings joy!
In Christ's Love,
a guy who desires jelly beans, a cup of java, and shiny red Jaguar
and a few more important things that start with "j" like Jesus and joy
I have often said recently that I don't care if I am happy, but I do want to have joy.  Happy is momentary, fleeting, can be felt at moments even in the midst of depression.  Joy is in the heart.  Deeper. Stronger.  I want joy.  I crave joy. I need joy. Sometimes, the best we can do is to 'fake it 'til we make it.'  Pray, obey the commandments, abide in Christ - even when that is the last thing we want to do.  The joy will come.  

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Scar Revision

A few years ago I had the opportunity to watch a cleft lip scar revision surgery on one of my patients.  The surgery was necessary to allow his lip to grow as the rest of him grew and to prevent disfigurement.  The scar tissue does not grow like normal tissue.

When the scar tissue was removed, the doctor handed it to me so I could feel it.  It was tough, slightly pliable, not stretchable.  It was holding the tissue in place but that was about all.  The doctor then re-sewed the lip, carefully connecting all the various layers of skin and muscle tissues to minimize scarring.  The kiddo had some pain and discomfort for a few weeks, but when the healing was completed, you could barely tell where the old scar was.

For the past three weeks I have been undergoing my own scar revision of sorts.  People have been helping me look at past scars, slicing open old hurts, removing the junk, and eventually - trying to sew everything back up properly.

It is a process. It is painful. and it is by no means quick nor easy - nor is anesthesia used!! But in order to heal, the old stiff, non-elastic scar has to be removed.  Only then can everything be sewn up correctly to heal properly.  There have been days when I have felt raw - like I was sliced open and left there to bleed.  There have been days when the pain was almost unbearable. but there have been days when I know that healing is happening.  I know that everything will turn out better on the other side.  One day.

God is the surgeon in this process, but he has some amazing assistants helping him.  Despite all the pain, I would go through this again to heal.


Knowing God - Matthew 14:23

(from Pastor)

He went up into a mountain apart to pray
Matthew 14:23
When I read today's verse, I immediately thought of a conversation I had recently with a friend. This friend has been working with a mentor on the gift of quietness.
The discipline is: Turn off the TV. Don't plug in the ipod. Silence the car radio. And practice solitude.
"It's amazing," the friend essentially said, "how much you can hear when there's no noise."
It's amazing, indeed. But it shouldn't be. Jesus practiced solitude. In key moments he found a place "apart" and in his prayers, the only sound was the still small voice of God.
In Christ's Love,
a noisy guy who needs to learn to say "shhhh!"

It is so hard to be quiet. Try it for 2 days - I dare ya!  No TV, no radio, no 'background noise' - and then try not to let your mind wander too much. 

Pay attention to what you see, smell, hear, even feel.  Some call it 'being mindful' or being fully in the moment and aware of what is around you.  I was recently doing this near Seattle and saw the amazing beauty of a sea lion swimming in the Puget Sound.  God is everywhere, yet in our busyness, we don't see or hear him like we should. This is sounds simple, yet it is incredibly hard!!  

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Knowing God - Philippians 4:7


And the peace of God,
which transcends all our powers of thought,
will be a garrison to guard
your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus
Philippians 4:7
I like this old Weymouth translation of Philippians 4. And what an irony: To gain the peace, we need it to act like a military garrison to guard us!
Just seconds ago, I wrote the first sentence of this devotion when the phone rang. A member got chewed out, laughed at, and ridiculed at work for refusing to lie. This person needs God's supernatural peace to act as a military garrison around her integrity.
Peace can be your guard. Truth can be your guide. Integrity can be your power. And the Word of God can be your light.
What are you battling with for which you need reinforcements from God?
In Christ's Love,
a guy who wants to be part
of your military garrison

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Knowing God - Joshua 3:3


[Joshua] commanded the people,
"When you see the ark of the covenant
of the Lord your God
being carried by the levitical priests,
then you shall set out from your place.
Follow it ... 
Joshua 3:3
God wants to come and abide with his people. Consequently, in the midst of the Exodus he asked that a "mercy seat" be sculpted on top of the ark of the covenant. The mercy seat was where God would "sit." Indeed, that seat was a potent symbol that God was truly present among his people. Therefore, whenever the people of Israel set out in new directions, they followed (not the ark, but ...) God who was "on" the mercy seat.
Where might you be heading next in your life?
Try following the method of the Jews: Don't move until you see God moving!
In Christ's Love,
a guy who needs to look both ways
before crossing any street
(and see if God went that way first)

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Knowing God - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

(from Pastor)
Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites,
thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—
none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Ouch. Don't you hate judgment? I'll bet all of us can find a place or two where we don't want to fit into this list -- or other lists -- for judgment.
Fortunately, Paul -- nor God -- leaves us "dead, doomed, and sinful." (Those three words are my summary of the first few verses of Ephesians 2. Blessedly, Paul chimes in with a healing word -- "but." Paul celebrates, "But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so very much, that even while we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.")
First Corinthians gives us hope with a "but" too! Paul says, "11 There was a time when some of you were just like that, but now your sins have been washed away ..." Paul is not saying that these sins doom us to hell. He's saying faith saves us from two things: 1) damnation and 2) a life that has to be controlled by these and other sins. God's love can save us from bondage to sin.
Now ... IMPORTANT POINT ... when you see someone doing any of these sins, don't think, say, judge or imply that these people will not inherit the kingdom of God.
For one, we can't expect non-Christians to behave like Christians; therefore, use this as an opportunity for evangelism!!! Introduce them to the love and joy of faith in Jesus Christ -- love and joy, not judgment. And then let Jesus do the working on their faith, life, and behavior.
Second, even good, faithful, saved Christians will fall back into the pit of sin. It doesn't mean we're not saved. Therefore, don't ever presume or pronounce judgment on a person! Just love them more. Yes, there is a time when we need to hold a friend accountable -- that's what friends do -- but make sure you develop the friendship enough that they'll hear love first last and always. And only then speak a word of encouragement and accountability! 
If we judge, we're pretending that we're God. Let's simply love others into the hands of the one who "is so rich in mercy ... and ... love[s] us so very much, that even [when] we [are] dead because of our sins, he [will give] us life when he raised Christ from the dead."
In Christ's Love,
a guy who needs to wear less black and more red
(black robes are for judges, red makes me look like a big Valentine)
Accountability. That is a word I have used more often the past two months than ever before in my life.  The recovery world is a place of raw emotion, slipping, hard work and the need for accountability. Thing is - it is very hard to find people who are willing to do that. People who can take time out of there busy lives to help hold another accountable.  It is so easy to say we love. to spout our ideals. but to actually show it. to put feet to it. that is the hard part.  

Ever since I have started treatment for depression and PTSD I feel like I have a huge scarlet letter on my forehead. I am 'one of those.' I am messed up. a wreck. I actually dared to admit that I am flawed and struggling. I am my own harshest critic, but it is a recording that plays in my head constantly. Not only do we need others to keep us accountable, but we need other Christians to help us remember God's mercy and grace. his forgiveness. his love. especially his love.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Knowing God - 2 Chronicles 5:14

(from pastor)

the priests could not stand to minister
because ... the glory of the Lord filled the house of God
2 Chronicles 5:14
Yesterday in worship our theme was: If you want God to show up, brag on Him! Praise Him!
Therefore, I pulled up two lists. One was the names for and attributes of God (below in green). The second was ways we could worship and praise our Lord (below blue). And in worship yesterday, we stopped for five minutes to pray and praise our wonderful, merciful God.
Now, all this year I've been praying for revival for our country. But I've come to realize that if I want that to happen, I need to pray for it to start with me ... and with our church.
Therefore, if you want more faith, more joy, more power, or more revival in your life ... if you want  God to descend so wonderfully, heavily into our presence that -- 2 Chronicles 5:14 -- we can't stand up ... then I invite you to join me in praying through this list daily.
Here's how it might work for you. Everyday read through a good chunk of this list. Say something like, "IWorship you God because you are Gracious. I Praise you Lord, because you are Merciful. I Give Thanks to you Lord, because you are Slow to Anger." And so on. The list is in totally random order. So switch it up. "Today, I'm going to read the blue one and then the green one three lines down." Be creative, because if you want God to show up, start bragging on him more!
Worship Gracious
Praise Merciful
Give Thanks Slow to Anger
Bow Down Steadfast
Fall Before Loving
Rise Up Wonderful
Kneel Counselor
Sing Almighty God
Celebrate Everlasting Father
Pray Prince of Peace
Honor Immortal
Glorify Invincible
Bless All Wise
Follow Spirit
Obey Life
Give Generously Sovereign
Wonder Lord
Awe Forgiving
Fear Just
Tremble Eternal
Sacrifice Infinite
Believe Holy
Cling to All Knowing
Humble Myself Faithful
Adore Great
Submit Good
Talk to All Powerful
Trust Unchanging
Shout True
Confess Glorious
Cry Generous
Rejoice Savior
Open My Heart Righteous
Raise My Hands Close
Lift My Voice Excellent
Allow Myself to be Broken Divine
Spend Time with Unchanging
Exalt Mighty
Cry Out Lord of Lords
Wait Patiently King of Kings
Do Justice Alpha / Omega
Show Kindness Immanuel
Walk Humbly I AM
Stand Up Against Savior
Enjoy Messiah
Listen Lamb
Devotion Redeemer
Pay Attention to Healer
Habits Trinity
Discipline Rock
Dance Refuge
Experience His Presence Hiding Place
Commit to Shelter
Celebrate Deliverer
Sanctify Provider
Draw Near to Shepherd
In Christ's Love
a pastor who wants to never stand up again
because we have prayed the Lord so heavily
into our sanctuary

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Knowing God - John 20:27

(from Pastor)

Then [Jesus] said to Thomas,
"Put your finger here and see my hands.
Reach out your hand and put it in my side.
Do not doubt but believe."
John 20:27
Another friend asked a question ... "In John 20:17 Jesus tells Mary Magdalene not to touch him because he had not ascended yet to the Father. Then eight days (vs 26 & 27) Jesus invites Thomas to touch his wounds and stick his hand into the side wound. I find this confusing."
I love the questions! Keep them coming! In fact, the question was so good, I thought I'd share my two cents worth with all of you. I said ...
I don't have my Greek New Testament with me, so I can't answer it definitively from the Greek (I'm such a phenomenal Greek scholar anyway!), but here's what I think ...
The King James and about a third of the translations render the passage with Mary Magdalene (v. 17) as some form of "touch me not" or "don't touch me." The majority of the translations, however -- approximately two-third -- render it more like "do not hold on to me." In fact, in helping understand this passage, I like the CBJ version best: Jesus says, "Stop holding on to me."
Spiritually that's the difference between Mary Magdalene's touching -- or not -- and Thomas's. Thomas needed to touch to believe. Mary Magdalene, on the other hand, needed to let go of the physical touching to have a belief that would carry her for the rest of her life (and through all the challenges of being a first-century, persecuted disciple).
The question is: Do you, like Thomas, need some physical proof ... or some physical healing ... or some physical answer ... in order to believe? Or do you, like Mary Magdalene need to quit holding out for a physical answer and just start trusting even more?
Great question!
In Christ's Love,
a guy who always needs to 
let go and let God!  

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Knowing God - Romans 8:20-21

(from pastor)

... creation waits with eager longing
for the revealing of the children of God;
for creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay
and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God
Romans 8:20-21
"I don't like that word," a friend said. What word? "Bondage!"
Like most of us, this friend has escaped from a few corners of grief, pain, and bondage in her life and is actively trying to encourage others to escape their bondage too! Therefore, she says, "I don't like it that our Sunday morning confession often says, 'We confess that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.'" She passionately and accurately says, "Because of Christ, aren't we free already?! Couldn't we say instead that 'We confess that we WERE in bondage to sin.'"
"The past tense works," I said. "BUT as much as you dislike the word 'bondage,' the present tense works too. We are BOTH free from sin ... AND in continual bondage to sin. We are BOTH hopeless on our own AND simultaneously victorious through Christ who is continually conquering our sin. Yes, Jesus -- past tense -- broke the chains on the cross BUT he must also -- present tense -- continue to break the chains in my life. Therefore, I must not complacently rely on a past tense victory, BUT continually claim and make real in the present tense this gift. My sin is defeated, BUT I must continue to defeat it.
Read our verse for today one more time, because it points in even one more direction: Past means it has been accomplished -- yeah God! Present means it is continually being accomplished -- thank you, Jesus! And future means that "creation waits with eager longing for the [eventual] revealing of the children of God; for [one day,] creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the [final] freedom of the glory of the children of God."
In Christ's Love,
a free slave  

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Knowin God - Isaiah 30:18

(from pastor)

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you ...
Blessed are those who wait for him.
Isaiah 30:18
There are two meanings for "wait" in this passage.
The first "wait" often comes with a desperate cry: We have wants. We have needs. We have hurts. We crave immediate help. Why does the Lord "wait"? The second "wait" is very different. It is like being a fine "waiter" in a fine restaurant. The waiter's whole goal is to attend to and serve. The point of this whole passage, therefore, is: "Sometimes God waits until we wait -- until we attend to and serve."
Now, I don't recommend that you feed that line to friend in a crisis who's waiting, hoping, pleading for God to act. Rather it's one of those thoughts that's best to contemplate on a saner day; indeed, it's one of those truths that may just prepare us for a harder day.
So what does ... "wait for [God]" mean for you today?
Here's what it means right now for me. One of my favorite newer songs has this refrain, "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord." Next time I hear that song, I'm going to imagine that it's a call for me to be a waiter in a fine restaurant. My number one job today is to attend to God like he's my only guest at my only table. I don't want to constantly butt in and be a nuisance to him -- ever had a waiter like that? -- rather, I want to quietly wait ... and lovingly sense ... and faithfully attend to the King's every need.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who wants a big tip
(Jesus said, "Whoever is faithful in a very little, 
is faithful also in much ..." Luke 16:5-15) 

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