Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Knowing God - John 3:17

(from Pastor)

"God did not send the Son
into the world to condemn the world,
but in order that the world
might be saved through him."
John 3:17
If you love John 3:16 ... I invite you to love the next verse just as much.
John 3:16 is full of love, grace, forgiveness, and the remarkable assurance that God loves YOU so much that he's (and the son) are willing to submit to the pain of death for YOU.
John 3:17 adds one more assurance ... Many people see God (and church and Christians) as legalistic and judgmental. The sacrificial life of Jesus is, however, the exact opposite of condemnation.
Many of us are imprisoned by our past sins and too many say, "God can't forgive me."
John 3:17 reminds us that Christ is literally dying to forgive you.
Condemnation? No! Freedom.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who believes
that those who don't know history
are condemned to repeat it 


condemn - to express strong disapproval of, to pass judgment, sentence to punishment

God was trying to avoid more of that. He passed judgment and punished the Israelites so much and they kept disobeying. He sent his son to cover our sins once and for all. To save us from ourselves.  I believe God has forgiven me for my sins.  But ... I am unable to forgive me for my sins. God is big enough to do it, I'm not.

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