Sunday, January 17, 2010

Job 40:1-42:17

God is still speaking - and letting Job know that he, God, is powerful. If a man can't fight a leviathan, then how can he win against God? A leviathan is a sea creature or might whale (think Moby Dick). But a creation of God - not as mighty as God. not as powerful. God describes the leviathan and he sounds like something out of a cartoon/fantasy story with the scales, jagged edges, sharp teeth. Who would want to see this thing, much less try to catch it?

41:33-34, "Nothing on earth is his equal-- a creature without fear. He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud."

Job begins to try to respond. He states that his his ears had heard of God, but now that his eyes had seen him, he will repent. Not exactly faith as I have learned it. But God accepts his feeble prayer. God then fusses at the friends for not representing him in what was right. They have to make a sacrifice to God. Job prayed for his friends.

God then blessed him with twice what he had before...and Job died old and full of years.



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