Saturday, January 16, 2010

Know God - day 15

1 Samuel 17; 2 Samuel 5; 7

David is described as a man after God's own heart in Acts 13:22.  But scripture has few instances of where it says, "God said..." to David.  Besides a megaphone blaring from heaven, in what ways has God spoken to us?  the easiest to define for me are music.  but lately there have been longings, tuggings, pushes in my heart.  so strong that there was no way to refuse. no way to ignore (believe me, I tried to refuse. tried to ignore.)  not something definable.

David, a ruddy faced boy - too young to join his brothers in the fight - faced down a 9 ft tall, fully armored grown man.  David was very confident in his ability because he had fought and defeated wild animals when they tried to steal his sheep.  According to Pastor, David was a 'good Jew' in that he knew the teaching by heart.  He was also a dedicated shepherd and was outside all the time, soaking in God's creation.  He didn't have the distraction of mp3 players, books, etc that we do.

Some people see creation and wonder at it. see God more clearly. hear God speak tothem clearly.  Some see creation and want an explanation. logic.  God isn't logical.  David likely heard God speak through all creation he observed. the miracle of birth, the magesty of a sunrise/sunset and the promise of a rainbow.  He was alone - with a bunch of sheep - chances are he spoke to God - outloud.  We know he worshipping God and sang to him - otherwise we wouldn't have the Psalms to read.  This lets us know that David knew without qualm God of the universe and knew that Goliath wasn't so big after alll.

Romans 1:19-20 talks about God being plain to us, His eternal power in nature being enough to show that he is the creator. and we have no excuse not to believe.  What does this mean to us?  What giant are we being called to stand up against?  What worldly armor do we need to shed in order to stand up to these giants and responsibilities?

Personally, I do not understand how someone can look at creation and NOT believe.  The Grand Canyon is breath taking.  So are the woods around Lake Wappappello.  The trees of winter with their naked branches are amazing miracles.  How they don't die but continue growing.  Winter woods are more gray yet open and transparent.  summer woods are thick with foliage and life.  Currently my giant is grief and letting go to God. Trusting him with EVERYTHING.  I have carefully protected myself with armor.  I can't risk getting hurt and letting anyone in.  If that includes God then so be it.  (not really - but it is the under tone.)

Pastor skipped from Goliath to David entering Jerusalem... we missed his interaction with Saul and the heart of David who had multiple opportunities to kill Saul, yet spared him.  says a lot about a man.  In 2 Sam 7, God finally tells David two things... 1. the tent is fine. I've been in it for so long...why change now.  and 2.  Your house, kingdom, throne shall be established forever.  (via Christ eventually)  God brought David from a shepherd to king.

He won't be making us kings, there aren't too many around these days.  However, no matter how lowly we think of ourselves (shepherds were pretty much on the lower rungs of society then), God treasures us as a masterpeice of his creation.

Pastor writes,
"Do you know how I know? He sent his Son to die for you! God loves you ... forgives you ... and wants your destiny to be 'established forever.'  Let's let David's question be our question to close today too : who am I, I sovereign Lord, ... that you have brought me to this place in life?"  your current frame of mind can change this and you.  Who are we really? a part of creation - a very good part of creation. Designed to fear God.  worship god. I also question him.  I am having to find my voice again for talking to him.  It is rusty from disuse.  But who are we really? just dust - ?



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