Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Know God - day 12

Numbers 20:1-13, Deuteronomy 31:14-29, Joshua 1:1-9, Joshua 6

God told Moses and Aaron in Num 20:12 that they would not be leading the people into the promised land becasue they did not show his holiness before the eyes of the Israelites or trust in him.

God is saying to us: Pastor says that this shows we don't always get what we think we deserve.  We have an 'entitlement mentality', although if anyone deserved an entitlement mentality, it was Moses.  He put up with the moaning and groaning of the Israelites for years...yet he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.

We aren't entitled to anything, really.  What I don't get it such a severe punishment for not doing something exactly how God wanted.  Did the people think that Moses caused the water to flow from the rock?  Do we really get what we deserve? perceived or not?  What do we deserve? What are we entitled to?  The short answer for both is nothing.  But being a mostly gracious and merciful God - he provides on his schedule.

Nest God tells Moses it is his time to die and he is going to commission Joshua.  Moses led the people through the wilderness, Joshua will lead them into the promised land. The land of milk and honey (sounds sticky!)

Here God is telling us that our time on earth is limited.  No matter how important we are in our own eyes much less anyone else's, we will die. poof. return to dust.  our time here is less than a speck of dust on the scale of infinity.

And Yet...

Jesus died for us.  Pastor wants this to be a reminder to us to focus more on heaven than on this fleeting world.  What is one eternal thing we can choose to focus on today?  I don't think I can answer this question today.  one eternal thing to focus on? I have been dealing with so much that getting through the day is enough for me right now.  I have been questioning God that thinking eternally is too much.  there are moments that I don't know if I really care about eternity.  ::::sigh::::

God goes on the tell Moses that after he dies, the people will worship false gods and God will hide his face from them and many troubles will come upon them.  Gee thanks.  Make me glad to be leaving here.  Can you see the confusion on Moses' face? the worry? the questions - why? please don't let them suffer anymore. I'd be frustrated with God for springing that on me just before I was to enter eternity with him.  talk about awkward.

God is telling us that we are easy prey for sin and troubles.  Pastor says, "Like a kitten before a hungry coyote."  What worldly temptations are you most vulnerable to?  the busyness of life is huge for me.  'i'm busy, busy dreadfully busy' to quite Archibald from VeggieTales.  but are we really that busy? we have so many distractions in our lives.  and stuff. all this stuff. tangible and intangible.  our attitudes are about focusing on ourselves instead of other people.  and there is so much more...

In Joshua 1, God told Joshua to cross the Jordan and everywhere the sole of his foot trod would be given to him.  and he repeatedly told Joshua to Be Strong and Courageous.  Joshua 1:9 says, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go.'  

Good words for me to remember right now.  I am scared. very discouraged. alone. is God really here?

Pastor says there are 3 things God is telling us here:
1.  God has a plan for us. We have a destiny. Therefore, Joshua 1:11 "Go...and take possession." of it.
2.  Act boldly - strong and courageous - because God is on your side.
3.  Follow the commands. They're from Moses. They're from God.  They're accurate guides along the path of life.

Which of these 3 principles do we need to act on today?  I don't know... all 3?  Of course will I do anything to really change God's plan?  He's gonna do what he wants to do however he wants to do it.  what can we really do about it?  act boldly - not a strong point for me.  but I don't know if it is something to act on today... follow the commands - isn't loving the lord your god and your neighbor enough? Of course I am having issues there as well.  but no pity party tonight.

God told the people to walk around the walls of Jericho 7 times then shout and the walls fell down!  I love the spiritual!!! I have fond memories of singing it in youth choir.  It is still a favorite.  Here are the lyrics:

Joshua fit the battle of Jericho Jericho Jericho;
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls came a-tumbling down.
1.You may talk about your kings of Gideon,
You may talk about your men of Saul
But there's none like good old Joshua
At the battle of Jericho.
2. Now the Lord commanded Joshua;
"I command you and obey you must;
You just march straight to those city walls
And the walls will turn to dust."
3. Straight up to the walls of Jericho
He marched with spear in hand,
"Go blow that ram's horn," Joshua cried,
"For the battle is in my hand."
4. The lamb ram sheep horns began to blow,
And the trumpets began to sound,
And Joshua commanded, "Now children, shout!"
And the walls came tumbling down.
Now picture the faces of the people. You want us to do what? and it's going to do what? has the sun fried your brain?  Yet they trusted Joshua and God enough to look like a bunch of crazies and walk around the city.  and the murmurings from inside. I am certain they were being laughed at. thought they were safe and secure behind their solid wall. ha!

Isn't it amazing? but what is God really trying to tell us? Pastor talks about being tempted to write this off as old wives tales, myths, folklore. but that takes away the truth of the story. It teaches the God is on our side and he can do the seemingly impossible. we have to count on that.  He concludes with a prayer

"God, I want to see your glory. Open my heart to trust and my eyes to see your wonder. Amen."  How fitting.



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