Thursday, February 04, 2010

Exodus 7:14-9:35

Now the plagues begin.  Yuck!!!
1. Blood - but Pharaoh's guys did the same thing.
2. Frogs - Pharaoh pleaded to have the frogs go away. When that happened, his heart was hardened again.
3. Gnats - the magicians couldn't do this and recognized the finger of God.  Pharaoh's heart was still hard. (we had sand gnats where I grew up - they would drive you cray in a heartbeat.)
4. Flies - but only for the egyptians.  Again Pharaoh pleaded with Moses for them to go away. They did and Pharaoh's heart was again hardened!
5. on Livestock - only the egyptians.  Pharaoh saw what was happening, but he still had a hard heart.
6. Boils - soot tossed from the furnace turned into boils on all men and livestock. Pharaoh STILL had a hard heart.
7. Hail - destroyed crops.  heart was still hard.



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