Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Knowing God - Luke 9:10

(from pastor)
"And he took them,
and went aside privately
into a desert place"
Luke 9:10
Jesus frequently went to deserts and deserted place. The wilderness for him was frequenty a place of deep prayer. Away from the busyness and distractions, deserted places are often sanctuaries for transformation.
I think it's interesting that Jesus took them to the desert and deserted places. By definition, when a crowd arrives, it's not deserted any more!
And yet ... here's the challenge: In our busy world with cell phones, highways, instant messaging, and incessant carpools, rarely will we ever find a truly deserted sanctuary. Life will always intrude. So the question is, How do you craft a time and space for renewal in your life?
In Christ's Love,
a guy who's often needed a desert
so he can thirst more fully for God
I fully understand the need for a deserted place.  I NEED to be alone at times to recharge.  I have even gone so far as to ask my husband to take the children for the day somewhere - anywhere - and leave me home alone.  Earlier in the year I was retreating to the sanctuary at church - both inside and outside.  It is peaceful. But turning off my mind is difficult.  I have been thirsty for God. Parched. But am so dry and longing that I wonder if there will be any renewal. any watering to come.
I have gone away seeking that renewal. Hoping to return full of Christ's abundance. Joy. Peace.

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