Saturday, August 21, 2010

Knowing God - John 10:27


Jesus said,
My sheep hear my voice ...
and they follow me.
John 10:27
I’ve witnessed this verse putting unnecessary pressure on the faith of believers. We cry out, "But I don’t hear his voice! Am I not one of his sheep?!"
Think of even the most faithful of the Father’s servants in scripture. How many times does scripture record that Jesus heard a literal voice? About three? And how many years was it between when Elijah, at God’s prompting, proclaimed a famine and when God spoke to Elijah again? About three?
If Jesus and Elijah can go years between hearing a literal voice, don’t be concerned that God’s vocal cords aren’t singing to you regularly from above.
And yet ... God does speak to us powerfully and regularly. It is through his Word. But the regularity of his voice only comes through our regularity in the Scriptures.
As we let God’s Word work its way into our hearts, we can truly hear God’s voice in a powerful way.
In Christ’s Love,
a guy who’s eye is an ear
(my reading eye helps me hear)

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