Friday, February 05, 2010

Exodus 10:1-12:51

The Plagues continue.  Wonder if Pharaoh is ready to give in.... (not quite yet)
Locusts - but Pharaoh's heart was STILL hard.  He did agree to let the men go worship - but not he women. So locusts came and devoured everything left by the hail.
Darkness - so dark it could be felt.  Have you ever experienced that? I have. Once was in Montana. The power was out and there was no moon.  Outside  I could not see my hand less than 6 inches from my face.  It was a little claustrophobic.  And tangible.  I wanted to stretch my arms and push it away.  The Egyptians had 3 days of total darkness.  The Israelites had light where they were.  Pharaoh tells Moses to go away and 'never appear before him again.' 
But God had another plague in mind. The plague of the firstborn.  How devastating and heart breaking.  Every Egyptian firstborn will die. human and animal.  If that was today - I'd be included. And having lost my own firstborn - I know there were many breaking hearts - all to get Pharaoh to free the people.

Passover - God gave very specific instruction for the lamb sacrifices.  Then the blood was used to mark the door ways of the Israelites' houses so their firstborn would be spared.  The angel would 'passover' them.  The people prepared unleavened bread and followed God's rules. 

Pharaoh finally consented to them leaving Egypt...



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