Thursday, March 25, 2010

Joshua 3:1 - 6:27

Three days... I may need to do a search of 'three days' in the bible. It keeps popping up. Just like these verses.  Yesterday's reading was also part of the reading for bible study and what pastor covered in Wed. eve bible study.  Same thing. 3 times in less than 24 hours.

New territory. The Israelites are going to follow the Ark across the Jordan.  To show Joshua's authority, God stopped the water from the Jordan River and caused it to 'pile up in a great heap' as soon as the priests stepped out in faith into the river.  During flood stage.  Then everyone crossed on dry land.  Normally - that would have taken days to dry out...but the water stopped and the land was dry.

After crossing, the leader from each tribe took a stone from the river and set it up in Gilgal (meaning circle) as a memorial to the crossing.  12 tribes. 12 apostles.  hmm.

Then all the men were circumcised and stayed put until they were healed.  Renewing the covenant with God.  They ate off the land of Canaan and the manna stopped. You know they had to have been both relieved and worried.  The manna was a sure thing - redundant, yes, but they knew they had food.  Now it was gone.

Then they fought the battle of Jericho.  If only all battles were this easy - walk around the city once a day for 6 days. Then 7 times on the 7th day and shout.  ...boom... down go the walls.

Rahab was rescued and "lives among them to this day."  I am intrigued by the tense use in this verse.  Not "lived among them for the rest of her days", but "lives among them to this day."  And she is in Christ's lineage.



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