Thursday, June 10, 2010

Knowing God - John 3:36

(from Pastor)
Whoever believes in the Son ...
[vs.] whoever disobeys the Son ...
John 3:36
Where in the human body would you locate faith?
In the head?
In the heart?
In this passage, Jesus tells us that it's also in our hands. It's in our actions!
In Matthew 12:50, Jesus says, "whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister ..." Actions are part of faith!
A few chapters earlier, Jesus says, "7:21 only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven ... will enter the kingdom of heaven." Again, actions are part of faith and part of our ticket to heaven.
Furthermore, in John 4:34, Jesus -- the model of our faith -- says, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me ..."
Actions! What do you know that God is calling you to act upon?
In Christ's Love,
a man of action!
(P.S. Tell my wife about that.)
does the will, to do the will ... Actions don't have to be extremely outward. Others don't have to see them.  It can be studying God's word, writing a letter to a sponsored child, praying, giving a bag of groceries to a person in need ... actions also include trust, obedience, reliance, walking the talk.  

God is calling me / helping me learn to trust him. To truly trust him. Sometimes just performing the actions help the rest to come to fruition.  Obedience in doing what you know you should until it is no longer a chore, but a natural part of life.  That, to me, is action.

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