Friday, June 11, 2010

Knowing God - John 6:34

(from Pastor)

Sir, give us this bread always.
John 6:34
One of my favorite quotes is from Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies: "Many a time," she said, "we’ve been down to our last piece of fatback. And I’d say, 'Should we eat it, or render it down for soap?' Your Uncle Jed would say, 'Render it down. God will provide food for us poor folks, but we gotta do our own washin’.'"
When we pray, "Give us this day our daily bread," we're praying for all our daily needs. It's a prayer for food, clothing, shelter, fatback, and Dove soap.
That's not the kind of bread Jesus is talking about in today's verse. Manna fed the people of Israel for a day, but Jesus is the bread of life. He is our life. And only when we feed on his wisdom, love, and power, will we ever be truly satisfied.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who'll even eat the crust
if I can feed on Christ's love
God will take care of us - we just have to accept his love.  I was asking what it truly meant to be 'poor in spirit' and was told that to be poor is to be lacking in something and to totally rely on others to meet that need.  We are poor in spirit and we need to completely, fully rely on God to give us this daily bread.  But we have to be willing to accept it - always.

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