Friday, January 22, 2010

Genesis 25:1-4, 1 Chronicles 1:32-34, Genesis 25:5-6, 1 Chronicles 1:34, Genesis 25:19-26, 25:7-11, 25:27-25:35

Descendants of Abe.  He remarried after Sarah died and had more sons.  He also had sons with concubines.  These sons he sent away from Isaac - the one to inherit his estate.

Isaac's sons, Esau and Jacob were born before Abe died.  At least they got to know his grandfather a little.  Isaac pretended Rebekah was his wife. Silly man.  He was caught caressing her by the king and then the king forbade anyone to touch them.  Guess his plan worked in the long run, but was that the best way to go about it? 

Today's selection ends with Esau marrying two women - Judith (another name I never knew was in the bible) and Basemath.  But this is the interesting part 26:35 "They were a source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah."  Wonder why???



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