Monday, February 08, 2010

Exodus 16:1-18:27

Again - the Israelites are grumbling... again.  They'd rather be slaves.  (are we really so different??)  So - God tests them. and feeds them.  He rains down manna with specific instructions.  Of course, being stubborn and hard headed - some don't listen and are treated to mold and maggots. gross.

I never realized how long they ate the manna - 40 years. Can you imagine eating the EXACT same thing every single day for 40 years??

More miracles - due to obedience - God told Moses to strike a rock for water. He obeyed, they drank.  He told joseph to fight.  Moses had to keep his hands raised. He obeyed. they won.  (he did need some help, but don't we all?)

Jethro, Moses' father in law, came to visit and offered some excellent advice.  Moses was on a fast track to becoming burnt out.  Jethro suggested appointing judges to help the people follow the laws.  This helped Moses to focus on more important matters and get some rest.



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