Saturday, February 13, 2010

Exodus 33:7-36:7

The tent of meeting.  this is where Moses met with God.  When they were talking a cloud covered the entrance and all the people stood outside of their tents.  33:11 "The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend."  I can only wish!!!

Moses asks to see God's glory.  God basically says, you can't handle it.  I will pass by, cover you with my hand and let you see my back.  How I would love to see even God's back.  the hem of his gown, the glimpse of his shadow...

God then had Moses chisel out two more stone tablets for God to write on again.  God wrote the 10 commandments. again. Moses face was radiant after speaking with God. So much so that he had to wear a veil.  He removed the veil to go into the tent of meeting, but replaced it when he came out.  How amazing - to be so radiant after speaking with god that other's couldn't bear to look at your face.  Does that even happen in this day?

Now instructions on what to bring to the tabernacle and what to do with it.  Again - very specific as to colors, designs, etc.  The people obeyed.  Manyfold.  They had to be told to stop bringing items for the tabernacle.  Are we so generous we have to be told to stop giving??



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