Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Knowing God - 1 Chronicles 17:23-24

(from Pastor)

O Lord ... let your word be established ...
... Thus your name will be established ... forever
1 Chronicles 17:23-24
This may be King David's prayer, but it is really God's plan: Wherever his Word is established, his name is established. The opposite is also true: Wherever his Word is ignored, his name is eventually ignored.
We can easily lament our world's inattentiveness to the Word. The challenge, however, is to examine our own attentiveness to the Word. If we want to experience the power that is in the name of Jesus more fully, why not attend to his Word more fully?
In Christ's Love,
a guy who needs to forget how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism
and learn to establish himself more fully on God Word!
(antidisestablishmentarianism is my favorite word to say - it makes the tongue bounce)

Attend to the Word more fully?  That is what I have been doing. Or at least trying to do.  Go back to January 1 of this year and you can see evidence of my studying the word of God.  But I think I am only gaining more head knowledge and not a stronger, deeper faith.  Maybe I am getting burned out. I want to experience the power that is in the name of Jesus more fully, but I am at a loss as to what to do now. 

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