Saturday, March 06, 2010

Knowing God - Judges 13:18

(from Pastor)

The angel of the Lord said,
"Why do you ask my name?
It is too amazing for you to understand."
Judges 13:18
The birth of Samson was not unlike the birth of John the Baptist ... or Jesus. An angel of the Lord appeared to a faithful couple promising a birth. Unlike those New Testament births, however, "Manoah [father of Samson] did not understand that the man was really the angel of the Lord." Asking "the man" his name, the angel said, "It is too amazing for you to understand."
How many of us want blessing beyond the ordinary in our life? Power?! Healings?! Definitive answers to prayer?! And yet we then keep demanding logical, earthly answers instead of putting our whole lives in the hands of the Lord.
In Christ's Love,
a guy who wants to encounter something
too wonderful to understand
Me!!! I want blessing beyond ordinary.  Or as my granny would say, "I want God to bless my socks off!!!" (guess I need to wear socks more often for that to happen!)  However, I can be very concrete, visual, literal.  God - not so much.  


He will make things clear to those of us who are hard-headed... in his time and way.  And he does wield a mighty 2x4 when necessary.  I am on a journey that has not been fun, but I have seen direct, concrete answers to prayers.  There have been times lately where I have asked God a question and voiced the questions to another person, or wrote it here and the exact question has been answered in one way or another.  That is truly blessing my socks off. 

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