Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Genesis 16:1-18:33

Sarai was trying to help her husband by giving him her handmaiden...when Hagar conceived, she began to despise her mistress.  Didn't this improve Hagar's status? or was she thinking she could now usurp Sarai's role as wife?  I don't understand all the rules, etc of the marriages in that time.  and I am very glad they are not the same now!

God changes Abram to Abraham.  And gives more laws - including circumcision.  Still a hotly debated topic - especially in the adoption world...but having a friend explain the ceremony surrounding the Brest - it is very solemn and the Rabbi's are often better at it than the surgeons. 

Abraham is then told that his wife - who is 90 - will bear him a son. Abraham laughed. At God. Wouldn't you?? I'd still be laughing.  Wonder what Sarah's initial reaction was. I can hear it now
A: Hey honey. Guess what?
S: Yes...ol' man of mine...
A: I was talk to God today and he told me the most amazing thing.
S: Oh? What is he telling you now?
A: That you are going to have a son.
S: [fainted. on the floor.]

Ok - so I should have kept reading.  Sarah did overhear a conversation about her getting pregnant.  She laughed, questioned the story and God asked, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" 

How often we forget that tidbit.  Nothing is too hard for the Lord...Even the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah which is coming up soon...



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