Failure = Me
... as a wife - my hubby is a better wife than I am. He does the cleaning, laundry, cooking, kid bathing and bedtime. I HATE cleaning (I can hear my mom in my head telling me everything I was doing wrong and re-doing it in front of me while yelling at me the entire time.) I can wait longer than he can on laundry - and let it sit in the dryer longer. kid bathing and bed - they prefer him. I feel more like a roommate than a wife ... it is my fault and just one of many areas I fail.
... as a mom - my kids prefer their daddy most of the time. Recently they went to visit their grandparents for 5 nights in another state. I didn't miss them. In fact, I wasn't ready for them to come home. Another friend commented that she didn't understand how I could let them go so far for so long. That just was another point to show that I am a failure as a mom. Never mind the big one that God told me ... "I will let you carry this baby to term. Let him grow in your womb. but you are not good enough to be his mother so I am bringing him to heaven with me." So much a failure that I couldn't even keep my only biological child.
... as a daughter - whenever we visit, I am reminded of what a failure I am in this area. I didn't major in what I should have, I don't work enough now, I don't measure up to my little brother and his wife and their 3 (almost 4) biological children. I am a failure and a disappointment.
... as a sister - I don't know my brother. There are 10 years between us. He was almost 13 when I left home after college. I had so much responsibility for him growing up, but now he is better than me in his eyes. my parents' eyes. He sneezes on his wife and she's pregnant. I can't have a live baby. He has 2 law offices. I don't even work part time. He is total executer of my parent's estate. I am ... nothing.
... as a friend - I have been shutting out friends this year. It is easier to not talk to them. to not answer questions. than to face their pitying or worried looks. I am the person that sucks the life out of a room. The one no one wants to be around because of this depression and dark cloud. I would happily be there for them, but I don't want anyone too close to me in case I am contagious. I am a failure in this area too.
... as a Christian - we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. How do you do this when you hate yourself? I have so much head knowledge, but no trust in God's ability to help me. What kind of Christian am I if I don't have basic trust? Again - failure.
We tell the kids that if something is broken, we throw it away. What do you do with a broken person?
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